Work Experience

    Full Stack Web Developer

  • Java Spring, Kafka, Typescript React/Angular, Postgresql, Redis
    • Dec 2021 - Current
    • Adaptive Financial Consulting
    • Montreal, QC

  • Worked as a backend developer assisting in creating microservice-oriented backend applications for clients in the cryptocurrency, investment, and banking sectors.
  • Transitioned over to frontend development to assist in the needs of clients, working on complex UI systems involving multiple monitors.
  • Assisting DevOps team members in project setup and building CI/CD pipeline integration with VCS.
  • Collaborated in deploying containerized applications using AWS ECS/EKS.
  • Achieved the high throughput needed for trading applications using a reactive programming approach.
  • Assisted in the migration of old monolithic legacy applications to lightweight microservice systems to improve throughput and scalability as well as maintainability of old codebases.
  • Project development using an agile approach, bi-weekly sprints, attending daily standups, meeting deadlines, and showcasing features and their value to clients.

    Full Stack Web Developer

  • Typescript NodeJS, React, Python, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis
    • Sep. 2019 - Nov. 2021
    • BioSyncroTek Consulting
    • Montreal, QC

  • Collaborated with clients across several domains in the fields of pharmaceuticals and medicine as a part of an independent consulting team.
  • Developed/maintained large real-time pharmaceutical web applications achieving high throughput using an event-driven microservices architecture.
  • Developed frontend applications using React/NextJs framework while managing state using Redux.
  • Transferred legacy systems into modern frameworks providing significant improvements in scalability/performance
  • Furthermore reduced infrastructure costs by deploying applications from traditional mainframes to flexible cloud-based applications.
  • Re-designed traditional monolith systems into a more scalable, performant microservice architecture.


Ecommerce Application

Fully developed custom made Ecommerce application using Python and Javascript.

Team Lead (Group of 12)

Python Django, VueJS, HTML, CSS

Github Repo

Food Ordering Application

Online food ordering system as an alternative service to UberEats and Doordash, using Java Spring and React Technologies.

Independent Project

Java Spring (JPA, Spring Security), React Native, SASS, Docker, Google Compute Engine

Github Repo

MonoLink Music Application

Integrates third party music applications (i.e. Spotify, Apple, and Youtube Music) to enable sharing of popular songs for users that utilize different platforms

Team Project (2 Team Members)

Typescript NodeJS, Typescript React Native, SASS, Docker

Github Repo

Live Chat Application

Live Chatbox application using Java servlet technology.

Team Lead (Group of 4)

J2EE Backend, React Frontend, SASS, Docker

Github Repo


Technical Skills


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS


  • NodeJS
  • Php
  • Apache/REST
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB


  • Git Flow
  • Github
  • JUnit
  • Docker
  • Bash/Linux


  • React
  • Python Django
  • Java Spring


  • CI/CD
  • C++
  • Data Science & ML

Professional Skills

  • Bilingual French & English
  • Strong Communicator
  • Excellent Team Player
  • Creative Problem Solver
  • Time Management


Bachelor of Computer Science

Web Services & Applications

Concordia University

June 2020

Montreal, QC

Awards & Participation

Scholarship Bursary Award

Space Concordia Robotics Division

ConuHacks 3

QueensHacks 2


IEEE Coding Competition Challenge - Awarded 2nd Place
